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Demonym: Stoylai


Population: 78,071,500


Area: 1.0M square miles


Species majority: canine


Species minority: human are minorities accepted? not really


Language: Enabi


Currency: they mostly trade, but armour and things are bought with gold or silver coins


Slavery: None legally, but the poor often work like slaves under nobility.


Minimum drinking age: 16       


Age of consent: 16


Minimum voting age? There is no voting. The king is passed down through royal families.


Schooling: minimum age: All homeschooling except for nobility.


Climate: Cold climates ranging from colder temperate forests to snowy tundra and taigas.


Border countries: + relations

Stoyla’s border country is Jascor, their relationship is pretty good


Military; Most of the military is centered around the king’s guard and his border patrols. While the weapons and armor they use may be rather primitive compared to some of the other countries, they are valiant and skilled fighters.


Other: The king’s rule has held back technological advancements for many years, but having received word of the wonders of electricity from other countries, they were eager to hop on board with it. However, it is highly regulated as they don't possess strong means to produce it.


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