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Name: Leon Baxter

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 27th January 1972

Place of birth: Ostrion, moved to Ascone for work.

Ethnicity/species: Human

Job: Scientist



Height: 5'10

Weight: 12st 8

Eye colour: Left eye green, right eye brown.

Hair colour/style: light brown, short



Strength/talent: his work

Weakness: his work is his life

Hobbies: genetically modifying things to see what happens, showing off his work to board members

Habits: Sexually harassing his female co-workers/staff

Pets: which ever GMC's (Genetically Modified Creature) he desires.

Area of residence/environment: he lives in Lupra, a desert.

Home description: He lives in a penthouse above the apartments of his staff and co-workers

Neighbourhood: he lives in a science lap with his creations and staff.

Income: varies between £31,072- £47,559

Job satisfaction: excellent

Health: above average



personality: At first he seems boring, but after a while his insane side shows.

Motivation: To create the perfect GMC Slave, it used to be create the perfect humanoid animal, but he gave up on that after creating a GMC.

Discouragement: not everyone agrees with his views

Intelligence level: 65/100

Confidence level: 95/100

Greatest fear/phobia: Having his work shut down/confiscated.



Childhood: He grew up in a normal family life, him being the middle child meant he was left alone a lot, He was once taken to a psychologist to be tested for various mental disorders, but passed the tests, he was deemed sane and healthy.

Important past event: realising he can have sex with animals but that he can't be caught, meeting Angelica and raping her.

Best accomplishment: Meeting Angelica and impregnating her, creating a GMC.

Other accomplishments:

Worse moment: Loosing his motivation to create a humanoid animal like Angelica.

Failure: His family are his biggest failure.

Best memories: Assaulting Angelica, finding out she became pregnant, finding out he is able to sell the GMC's he creates

Worst memories: realising he may not be able to meet his offspring,


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